Woman with her eyes closed breathing in the surrounding forest.
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Escape the demands of modern life with Forest Bathing

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, finding a moment of tranquillity and connection in nature has never been more important. One particularly rejuvenating practice that has garnered attention for its therapeutic benefits is "forest bathing," an art rooted in Japan known as shinrin-yoku, meaning "immersing oneself in the forest atmosphere."

Unlike physically demanding exercises, forest bathing is a mindful immersion in the natural environment, using all your senses to take in the forest atmosphere. Focussing on the feeling of the earth beneath your feet, inhaling the fragrances of the trees, and listening to the sound of leaves rustling all allow you to escape the demands of daily life.

Whilst the practice of Forest Bathing stems from cultural traditions, there is now plenty of research to back up the wellbeing benefits of spending intentional time in nature. Studies have shown spending time in outdoor green spaces, whether that be woodland or even parks in the city, can mitigate stress, lower blood pressure, and improve memory and concentration.

Realistically, however, in a world where the demands of modern life can be overwhelming, many of us who need it the most are not able to incorporate Forest Bathing into our lifestyles. This is why Aromatherapy Associates developed their Forest Therapy collection as well as their Forest Therapy treatment. This essential oil blend stars 22 healing ingredients, including calming Ho Wood, uplifting Pink Pepper and grounding Cypress to support respiratory health, encouraging you to breathe more deeply and feel relaxed.

The Aqua Sana Forest Therapy treatment from Aromatherapy Associates is the next best thing to forest bathing, bringing the serenity of nature to your mind, body & skin. A cleansing guided-inhalation, tension releasing long, deep massage, a warm grounding mud mask for the hands and feet and a tranquil scalp massage all use as many elements of nature as possible to completely immerse you in natureful wellbeing.

The Aqua Sana Forest Therapy Treatment and Forest Therapy range will be available as part of our Aromatherapy Associates Brand Spotlight, exclusively at Aqua Sana Elveden Forest from the 23rd of February to the 17th of April 2024. First book your Spa Day and then add the Aromatherapy Associates Aqua Sana Forest Therapy treatment to your Spa Day.

£99 per person

Aromatherapy Associates Aqua Sana Forest Therapy

Experience the healing power of nature with this restorative back and face treatment, using hot stones, mud masks and tension releasing massage techniques. Minimum age 18 years. Duration 50 minutes.

Woman laid on her back with a smooth stone on her stomach.

Forest Therapy Products

Available exclusively at Elveden Forest Aqua Sana Boutique from the 23rd of February to the 17th of April 2024.

Aromatherapy Associates Products displayed on a decorative surface.
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